Brain-Boosting Gummies May Contain Illegal Hallucinogens

Click here to view original web page at Brain-Boosting Gummies May Contain Illegal Hallucinogens Summary: Researchers warn that mushroom gummies sold to boost brain function may contain illegal hallucinogens and other harmful ingredients, after five people, including a 3-year-old, fell ill. Testing revealed that three out of five brands contained psilocybin or psilocin, Schedule I … Continue reading “Brain-Boosting Gummies May Contain Illegal Hallucinogens”

Infants Use Mom’s Scent to Recognize Faces

Click here to view original web page at Infants Use Mom’s Scent to Recognize Faces Summary: A new study reveals that infants use their mother’s scent to enhance facial recognition. This ability to integrate sensory cues improves significantly between four and twelve months of age. Researchers found that younger infants rely heavily on their mother’s … Continue reading “Infants Use Mom’s Scent to Recognize Faces”

Atop MGH, psychedelics scientists grow plants that could change your mind

Click here to view original web page at Atop MGH, psychedelics scientists grow plants that could change your mind A greenhouse atop Massachusetts General Hospital houses psychoactive plants to be studied by the Center for Neuroscience of Psychedelics. (Jesse Costa/WBUR) On a rooftop above lab spaces and the sprawling campus buildings of Massachusetts General Hospital, … Continue reading “Atop MGH, psychedelics scientists grow plants that could change your mind”

3-Year-Olds Understand Intentions Through Active Mirror Neurons

Click here to view original web page at 3-Year-Olds Understand Intentions Through Active Mirror Neurons Summary: A study shows that by age three, children can understand others’ intentions using active mirror neurons. This discovery highlights the early development of the “resonance” system, crucial for social cognition. Researchers found that preschoolers’ mylohyoid muscle activates when anticipating … Continue reading “3-Year-Olds Understand Intentions Through Active Mirror Neurons”

Mind-Bending: Psilocybin Reshapes Brain Networks for Weeks

Click here to view original web page at Mind-Bending: Psilocybin Reshapes Brain Networks for Weeks Summary: A new study reveals that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, temporarily disrupts brain networks involved in introspective thinking, like daydreaming and memory. These changes persist for weeks, potentially making the brain more flexible and improving mental health. … Continue reading “Mind-Bending: Psilocybin Reshapes Brain Networks for Weeks”

Nighttime Exercise Breaks May Extend Sleep by 27 Minutes

Click here to view original web page at Nighttime Exercise Breaks May Extend Sleep by 27 Minutes Summary: A new suggests that three-minute resistance exercise breaks every 30 minutes in the evening can extend sleep duration by an average of 27 minutes. This practice doesn’t disrupt sleep quality and could reduce cardiometabolic disease risk. Participants … Continue reading “Nighttime Exercise Breaks May Extend Sleep by 27 Minutes”

altered states of consciousness

Click here to view original web page at altered states of consciousness Summary: Mindfulness training can lead to altered states of consciousness, such as disembodiment and unity. Researchers found that participants were twice as likely to experience these states compared to a control group. While these experiences can be positive, they may also be startling … Continue reading “altered states of consciousness”

Blocking Inflammation Protein Extends Lifespan

Click here to view original web page at Blocking Inflammation Protein Extends Lifespan Summary: Researchers discovered that inhibiting the protein IL-11 extends the lifespan of mice by up to 25%. The treatment also reduces cancer and diseases related to aging. This breakthrough offers potential for future anti-aging therapies in humans. Further clinical trials are necessary … Continue reading “Blocking Inflammation Protein Extends Lifespan”

About this LANS, memory, and aging research news

Click here to view original web page at About this LANS, memory, and aging research news Summary: Researchers established new criteria for Limbic-predominant Amnestic Neurodegenerative Syndrome (LANS), a memory-loss condition often mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease. Unlike Alzheimer’s, LANS progresses more slowly and has a better prognosis. The criteria help doctors diagnose LANS in living patients … Continue reading “About this LANS, memory, and aging research news”

New Technique Shows Promise in Fighting Brain Cancer

Click here to view original web page at New Technique Shows Promise in Fighting Brain Cancer Summary: Researchers developed a new method, burst sine wave electroporation (B-SWE), to treat glioblastoma, a fast-growing brain tumor. B-SWE disrupts the blood-brain barrier more effectively than traditional methods, allowing cancer drugs better access to the brain. This technique could … Continue reading “New Technique Shows Promise in Fighting Brain Cancer”