Dopamine Levels Impact Mentalizing Abilities

Click here to view original web page at Dopamine Levels Impact Mentalizing Abilities Summary: Dopamine levels affect mentalizing abilities—understanding others’ thoughts and feelings—in healthy people. Using a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment with 33 volunteers, researchers found that blocking dopamine receptors reduced participants’ accuracy in ascribing mental states. This research highlights dopamine’s role in socio-cognitive functions and … Continue reading “Dopamine Levels Impact Mentalizing Abilities”

Heat Waves Reduce Politicians’ Speech Complexity

Click here to view original web page at Heat Waves Reduce Politicians’ Speech Complexity Summary: High temperatures lead to simpler language in parliamentary speeches. Analyzing seven million speeches from 28,000 politicians, researchers discovered that heat negatively impacts cognitive abilities. This effect was more pronounced in older politicians. The findings highlight the broader impacts of climate … Continue reading “Heat Waves Reduce Politicians’ Speech Complexity”

Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline

Click here to view original web page at Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline Summary: Giving birth to low-birth-weight infants may be associated with memory and thinking problems later in life. The research, involving 15,323 women, showed that cognitive decline in mothers with low-birth-weight deliveries was equivalent to one to two years of aging. … Continue reading “Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline”

Disabling Social Media Comments Hurts Influencer Credibility

Click here to view original web page at Disabling Social Media Comments Hurts Influencer Credibility Summary: Influencers who disable social media comments are perceived as less persuasive and likable. The research highlights that even negative comments can boost an influencer’s credibility. Disabling comments signals a dismissiveness of audience feedback, undermining the influencer’s connection with followers. … Continue reading “Disabling Social Media Comments Hurts Influencer Credibility”

New Target for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Identified

Click here to view original web page at New Target for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Identified Summary: Researchers discovered a druggable target that could prevent autonomic dysfunction after spinal cord injury. The research found that microglia cells control abnormal nerve growth and autonomic reflexes. By depleting microglia in a mouse model, researchers prevented life-threatening complications. … Continue reading “New Target for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Identified”

Tactile Emoticons Boost Social Media Communication

Click here to view original web page at Tactile Emoticons Boost Social Media Communication Summary: Incorporating tactile emoticons into social media interactions enhances feelings of support and approval. Participants using a mock platform preferred receiving feedback through both visual and tactile cues over visual-only feedback. Tactile feedback, such as a stroke on the forearm, conveyed … Continue reading “Tactile Emoticons Boost Social Media Communication”

Robot System Reduces Eye Injections for AMD Patients

Click here to view original web page at Robot System Reduces Eye Injections for AMD Patients Summary: Researchers successfully used a custom-built robot to treat wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This minimally invasive treatment reduces the need for frequent eye injections. The landmark study found that robotic radiotherapy significantly decreases the number of injections needed, … Continue reading “Robot System Reduces Eye Injections for AMD Patients”

Early Heat and Cold Exposure Alters Child Brain Development

Click here to view original web page at Early Heat and Cold Exposure Alters Child Brain Development Summary: Early exposure to extreme temperatures can impact the brain’s white matter development, particularly in children from poorer neighborhoods. Researchers found that cold during pregnancy and heat in early childhood slowed white matter maturation in preadolescents. This highlights … Continue reading “Early Heat and Cold Exposure Alters Child Brain Development”

How Genes and Epigenetics Shape Brain Folding

Click here to view original web page at How Genes and Epigenetics Shape Brain Folding Summary: A new study uncovered how epigenetic marks and the Cux2 protein influence brain folding. The study reveals that the epigenetic mark H3K27ac and Cux2 are key to forming the cerebral cortex’s gyri and sulci. These findings enhance our understanding … Continue reading “How Genes and Epigenetics Shape Brain Folding”

Mirror-Pain Synaesthetes: Feeling Others’ Pain Boosts Generosity

Click here to view original web page at Mirror-Pain Synaesthetes: Feeling Others’ Pain Boosts Generosity Summary: Individuals who physically feel others’ pain, known as mirror-pain synaesthetes, are more likely to help. Using fMRI, they observed that these individuals activate their secondary somatosensory cortex more, linking empathy to prosocial behavior. This study highlights the importance of … Continue reading “Mirror-Pain Synaesthetes: Feeling Others’ Pain Boosts Generosity”