Cat Scratch Bacteria Bartonella Linked to Psychosis

Click here to view original web page at Cat Scratch Bacteria Bartonella Linked to Psychosis Summary: Adults with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders are three times more likely to have Bartonella DNA in their blood than those without these conditions. This suggests that vector-borne pathogens like Bartonella could play a role in mental illness. Researchers … Continue reading “Cat Scratch Bacteria Bartonella Linked to Psychosis”

Baboons’ Brain Anatomy Predicts Hand Preference for Communication

Click here to view original web page at Baboons’ Brain Anatomy Predicts Hand Preference for Communication Summary: A study on newborn baby baboons’ brain anatomy predicts their future hand preference for communication. Researchers found that baboons with left-side brain asymmetry in the planum temporale (PT) tend to use their right hand for gestures. This discovery … Continue reading “Baboons’ Brain Anatomy Predicts Hand Preference for Communication”

Brains’ Decision-Making Mechanism Revealed

Click here to view original web page at Brains’ Decision-Making Mechanism Revealed Summary: A new study uncovered neural mechanisms used in planning, revealing an interplay between the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. The study shows how the brain imagines future outcomes to guide decisions. This research sheds light on the cognitive processes behind planning, with potential … Continue reading “Brains’ Decision-Making Mechanism Revealed”

Brain Circuit Key to Learning from Negative Experiences Identified

Click here to view original web page at Brain Circuit Key to Learning from Negative Experiences Identified Summary: Researchers identified brain regions and neuron types crucial for learning from negative experiences. They found that inhibitory neurons in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) play a significant role in this process. Using … Continue reading “Brain Circuit Key to Learning from Negative Experiences Identified”

New Image Sensor Enhances Neural Voltage Tracking

Click here to view original web page at New Image Sensor Enhances Neural Voltage Tracking Summary: Researchers have developed a novel image sensor that significantly improves the ability to track neural voltage changes, crucial for understanding brain functions like memory. The new CMOS technology allows individual pixel timing control, enhancing light capture without sacrificing speed. … Continue reading “New Image Sensor Enhances Neural Voltage Tracking”

Artificial Lymph Node Shows Promise in Cancer Treatment

Click here to view original web page at Artificial Lymph Node Shows Promise in Cancer Treatment Summary: Researchers developed an artificial lymph node that can train T-cells to recognize and kill cancer cells, potentially revolutionizing cancer treatment. This new method involves implanting a sac filled with immune components under the skin to boost the immune … Continue reading “Artificial Lymph Node Shows Promise in Cancer Treatment”

Mistaken Identity: Gut Stem Cell Discovery Could Transform Regenerative Medicine

Click here to view original web page at Mistaken Identity: Gut Stem Cell Discovery Could Transform Regenerative Medicine Summary: Two studies reveal that scientists have misidentified gut stem cells, impacting research and treatments for 15 years. Researchers identified the true stem cells in a different gut region, which could lead to breakthroughs in regenerative medicine. … Continue reading “Mistaken Identity: Gut Stem Cell Discovery Could Transform Regenerative Medicine”

Lipid Signaling in Brain Linked to Mental Disorders

Click here to view original web page at Lipid Signaling in Brain Linked to Mental Disorders Summary: Increased levels of bioactive lipids in the brain are linked to mental disorders by disrupting excitatory transmission between brain cells. Researchers found that using an inhibitor to block these lipids can restore balance and potentially treat these conditions. … Continue reading “Lipid Signaling in Brain Linked to Mental Disorders”

MRI Method Predicts Dementia 9 Years in Advance with 80% Accuracy

Click here to view original web page at MRI Method Predicts Dementia 9 Years in Advance with 80% Accuracy Summary: Researchers developed a method to predict dementia with over 80% accuracy up to nine years before diagnosis. Using fMRI scans, the team analyzed changes in the brain’s default mode network (DMN), which is affected early … Continue reading “MRI Method Predicts Dementia 9 Years in Advance with 80% Accuracy”

Hidden Narcissism in Women Tied to Partner Violence and Bullying

Click here to view original web page at Hidden Narcissism in Women Tied to Partner Violence and Bullying Summary: Researchers have discovered that vulnerable narcissism in women is linked to increased intimate partner violence and bullying. Unlike the grandiose narcissism often seen in men, women’s narcissism manifests subtly. The findings highlight the need for gender-specific … Continue reading “Hidden Narcissism in Women Tied to Partner Violence and Bullying”