New Breakthrough Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Click here to view original web page at New Breakthrough Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Summary: Researchers discovered that boosting the protein IRAK-M in retinal cells can effectively treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This revolutionary therapy offers a comprehensive approach to AMD, a leading cause of vision loss affecting 200 million people worldwide. Current treatments … Continue reading “New Breakthrough Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration”

Women’s Menstrual Cycle Positively Impacts Cognition – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at Women’s Menstrual Cycle Positively Impacts Cognition – Neuroscience News Summary: Women perform better on cognitive tasks during menstruation, despite expecting worse performance. The study highlights how cognitive abilities fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle. Findings suggest potential implications for injury prevention and women’s health. Key Facts: Women perform … Continue reading “Women’s Menstrual Cycle Positively Impacts Cognition – Neuroscience News”

Genetic Clues to Restless Leg Syndrome Uncovered

Click here to view original web page at Genetic Clues to Restless Leg Syndrome Uncovered Summary: Scientists have discovered over 140 new genetic risk loci linked to restless leg syndrome (RLS), offering insights into its causes and potential treatments. This significant advancement could help identify those at greatest risk and improve management strategies. The study, … Continue reading “Genetic Clues to Restless Leg Syndrome Uncovered”

Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity

Click here to view original web page at Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity Summary: Researchers used a wearable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development and conditions like autism. The lightweight, adaptable helmet with quantum technology allows for high-quality, movement-friendly scanning. This breakthrough enables the study … Continue reading “Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity”

Brain Signals for Self-Timed Actions Revealed

Click here to view original web page at Brain Signals for Self-Timed Actions Revealed Summary: Researchers explored how mice time their actions to receive rewards, focusing on the mesocortical brain pathway. The study found that dopamine-mediated signals via D2 receptors are crucial for self-initiated movements. These signals increase activity just before action but not in … Continue reading “Brain Signals for Self-Timed Actions Revealed”

New Microscopy System Tracks Brain Changes Faster and Clearer

Click here to view original web page at New Microscopy System Tracks Brain Changes Faster and Clearer Summary: Researchers developed a new microscopy system, mosTF, to track brain plasticity more efficiently. This system scans tissue with lines of light in perpendicular directions, providing faster and clearer imaging than traditional two-photon microscopy. The mosTF system enhances … Continue reading “New Microscopy System Tracks Brain Changes Faster and Clearer”

Underutilized Visual Memory: We Recall Less Than We Can

Click here to view original web page at Underutilized Visual Memory: We Recall Less Than We Can Summary: People often underuse their visual working memory (VWM), typically remembering fewer items than their capacity allows. Participants in the study usually chose to recall just one item at a time, despite being able to remember 3-4 items. … Continue reading “Underutilized Visual Memory: We Recall Less Than We Can”

Study confirms impulsivity as a stable, measurable trait.

Click here to view original web page at Study confirms impulsivity as a stable, measurable trait. Summary: A new study confirms impulsivity as a stable and measurable personality trait. Using data from 1,676 participants, researchers identified a general impulsivity factor, I, which effectively predicts impulsive behaviors. They developed the Adjustable Impulsivity Scale (AIMS) for precise … Continue reading “Study confirms impulsivity as a stable, measurable trait.”

AI Decodes Dog Barks: Playful or Aggressive?

Click here to view original web page at AI Decodes Dog Barks: Playful or Aggressive? Summary: Researchers are using AI to interpret dog barks, distinguishing between playful and aggressive sounds. By adapting human speech models, they also identify dogs’ age, breed, and sex. This approach could revolutionize the understanding of animal communication and improve animal … Continue reading “AI Decodes Dog Barks: Playful or Aggressive?”

Structural Abnormalities in Brains’ of Mothers Who Abuse Kids

Click here to view original web page at Structural Abnormalities in Brains’ of Mothers Who Abuse Kids Summary: A new study used brain imaging to identify structural brain abnormalities in mothers who commit child abuse. Reduced integrity in the corticospinal tract was linked to impulsivity and movement control issues. These findings highlight the neurobiological factors … Continue reading “Structural Abnormalities in Brains’ of Mothers Who Abuse Kids”