Psilocybin Induces Brain Hyperconnectivity, Enhancing Mystical Experiences

Click here to view original web page at Psilocybin Induces Brain Hyperconnectivity, Enhancing Mystical Experiences Summary: Psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, initiates a pattern of dynamic hyperconnectivity in the brain. This brain state is linked to the ego-modifying effects and feelings of oceanic boundlessness commonly reported during psychedelic experiences. The findings highlight the … Continue reading “Psilocybin Induces Brain Hyperconnectivity, Enhancing Mystical Experiences”

Study Maps Genetic Risk of Schizophrenia to Specific Brain Cells

Click here to view original web page at Study Maps Genetic Risk of Schizophrenia to Specific Brain Cells Summary: A new study uncovers the intricate molecular mechanisms behind schizophrenia by mapping genetic risk factors to specific brain cells. Researchers used comprehensive genetic and cellular analyses to identify how these genes affect different cell types in … Continue reading “Study Maps Genetic Risk of Schizophrenia to Specific Brain Cells”

Brain Patterns Predict Autism Risk in Infants

Click here to view original web page at Brain Patterns Predict Autism Risk in Infants Summary: A new study study found distinct brain connectivity patterns in 6-week-old infants at risk for autism. Differences in the Salience Network, responsible for filtering important stimuli, may predict later sensory and social behaviors. Infants with stronger sensory connections showed … Continue reading “Brain Patterns Predict Autism Risk in Infants”

School Readiness at 4 Predicts Teen Outcomes

Click here to view original web page at School Readiness at 4 Predicts Teen Outcomes Summary: A new study finds that children not deemed “school ready” at age 4 are significantly more likely to be unemployed or out of education by 16. This early disadvantage also predicts lower GCSE achievement. Researchers used data from over … Continue reading “School Readiness at 4 Predicts Teen Outcomes”

Key Brain Differences in Autistic Boys and Girls Identified

Click here to view original web page at Key Brain Differences in Autistic Boys and Girls Identified Summary: Researchers discovered significant sex-specific differences in brain development between autistic boys and girls aged 2-13. The study found that autistic girls have a thicker cortex at age 3 and faster cortical thinning into middle childhood compared to … Continue reading “Key Brain Differences in Autistic Boys and Girls Identified”

Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread

Click here to view original web page at Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread Summary: Researchers found that mental disorders can spread within school social networks. By analyzing data from over 700,000 Finnish ninth-graders, they discovered that having classmates with mental disorders increased the risk of being diagnosed with similar conditions later in … Continue reading “Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread”

Dehydration Impairs Attention in Middle-Aged Adults

Click here to view original web page at Dehydration Impairs Attention in Middle-Aged Adults Summary: Mild dehydration can impair sustained attention in middle-aged and older adults, though it doesn’t affect other cognitive functions. The study involved 78 adults, ages 47 to 70, and assessed their hydration levels and cognitive performance. Results showed that dehydration, common … Continue reading “Dehydration Impairs Attention in Middle-Aged Adults”

AI Decodes Fruit Fly Vision, Paving Way for Human Insight

Click here to view original web page at AI Decodes Fruit Fly Vision, Paving Way for Human Insight Summary: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly brain to understand how vision guides behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual neurons and observing changes in behavior, they trained the AI to predict neural activity and … Continue reading “AI Decodes Fruit Fly Vision, Paving Way for Human Insight”

UV Light Increases Appetite But Suppresses Weight Gain

Click here to view original web page at UV Light Increases Appetite But Suppresses Weight Gain Summary: A new study reveals that UV exposure can increase appetite while simultaneously preventing weight gain. This unexpected finding is attributed to UV’s influence on hormones and neurotransmitters, leading to increased energy expenditure and the browning of subcutaneous fat. … Continue reading “UV Light Increases Appetite But Suppresses Weight Gain”

Ultra Processed Foods Associated with Cognitive Risks

Click here to view original web page at Ultra Processed Foods Associated with Cognitive Risks Summary: A new study finds a link between a diet high in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of cognitive impairment and stroke. This association was particularly pronounced among Black participants. While more research is needed, the findings highlight the … Continue reading “Ultra Processed Foods Associated with Cognitive Risks”