Parental Distraction Negatively Impacts Child-Parent Interactions

Click here to view original web page at Parental Distraction Negatively Impacts Child-Parent Interactions Summary: A new study finds that any form of parental distraction, whether from screens or non-digital activities, negatively impacts parent-child interaction. Both digital and non-digital distractions reduced parental sensitivity and child engagement. This suggests that it’s not the screens themselves, but … Continue reading “Parental Distraction Negatively Impacts Child-Parent Interactions”

Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging

Click here to view original web page at Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging Summary: A new study finds that specific nutrients, similar to those found in the Mediterranean diet, may play a crucial role in slowing down brain aging. The study combined blood biomarker analysis, brain imaging, and cognitive assessments to identify a nutrient … Continue reading “Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging”

Brain’s Self-Organization is Key to Development

Click here to view original web page at Brain’s Self-Organization is Key to Development Summary: A new study reveals that the brain’s cortex can self-organize during development, transforming unorganized inputs into highly structured activity patterns. This self-organization is guided by mathematical rules similar to those found in other natural systems. Disruptions in these patterns could … Continue reading “Brain’s Self-Organization is Key to Development”

Ketamine’s Effect on Brain Activity Revealed

Click here to view original web page at Ketamine’s Effect on Brain Activity Revealed Summary: A new computational model reveals how ketamine, a widely used anesthetic and antidepressant, affects brain activity. By simulating the drug’s interaction with NMDA receptors, the model explains how ketamine alters neuronal firing patterns, leading to altered states of consciousness and … Continue reading “Ketamine’s Effect on Brain Activity Revealed”

Altered States of Consciousness More Common Than Believed in Mind-Body Practices

Click here to view original web page at Altered States of Consciousness More Common Than Believed in Mind-Body Practices Summary: A new study finds that altered states of consciousness (ASCs), like those experienced during meditation, are more common than previously thought. 45% of respondents reported experiencing ASCs at least once, often leading to positive outcomes. … Continue reading “Altered States of Consciousness More Common Than Believed in Mind-Body Practices”

Glioblastoma Drug Resistance Pathway Identified

Click here to view original web page at Glioblastoma Drug Resistance Pathway Identified Summary: Researchers identified a key signaling pathway, PI3K-beta, responsible for chemotherapy resistance in glioblastoma. Blocking this pathway makes tumor cells more sensitive to temozolomide, a standard chemotherapy drug. This discovery offers a potential new approach to treating glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer, … Continue reading “Glioblastoma Drug Resistance Pathway Identified”

Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain

Click here to view original web page at Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain Summary: A new study in rhesus macaques reveals how the brain regulates depression-like states. Researchers found that a specific brain circuit connecting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the cingulo-striatal network plays a crucial role in emotional regulation. … Continue reading “Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain”

Social Media Nightmares: A New Phenomenon

Click here to view original web page at Social Media Nightmares: A New Phenomenon Summary: A new study finds a link between increased social media use and the likelihood of experiencing social media-related nightmares. These nightmares, often involving themes of cyberbullying, online hate, or excessive social media use, are associated with negative mental health outcomes … Continue reading “Social Media Nightmares: A New Phenomenon”

CRISPR Screen Unlocks Brain’s “Black Box”

Click here to view original web page at CRISPR Screen Unlocks Brain’s “Black Box” Summary: Scientists have developed a groundbreaking CRISPR screening method called in vivo Perturb-seq. This innovative technique allows for rapid and scalable analysis of how genetic changes affect individual brain cells, offering new insights into the cellular drivers of neurological diseases. By … Continue reading “CRISPR Screen Unlocks Brain’s “Black Box””

Exercise Aids Memory Erasure in PTSD

Click here to view original web page at Exercise Aids Memory Erasure in PTSD Summary: Increased neuron formation in the hippocampus, stimulated by exercise or genetic manipulation, helps mice forget traumatic or drug-associated memories. This process involves rewiring neural circuits, disrupting the recall of fear memories. These findings offer potential new approaches for treating mental … Continue reading “Exercise Aids Memory Erasure in PTSD”