Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Behavior Problems in Kids

Click here to view original web page at Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Behavior Problems in Kids Summary: A new study finds that higher fluoride levels in pregnant women are associated with increased odds of their children experiencing neurobehavioral problems at age 3. These problems include anxiety, difficulty regulating emotions, and physical complaints like … Continue reading “Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Behavior Problems in Kids”

VR Unveils Brain’s GPS Response to Illusions

Click here to view original web page at VR Unveils Brain’s GPS Response to Illusions Summary: Researchers successfully induced illusions of self-location in participants using multi-sensory virtual reality (VR). They observed corresponding changes in the brain’s grid cells, which are responsible for spatial navigation. This study is the first to demonstrate that purely cognitive changes … Continue reading “VR Unveils Brain’s GPS Response to Illusions”

Decoding Empathy: Brain Circuit for Recognizing Emotions Identified

Click here to view original web page at Decoding Empathy: Brain Circuit for Recognizing Emotions Identified Summary: Researchers identified a brain circuit involved in recognizing emotions in both animals and humans. This circuit connects the prefrontal cortex and the retrosplenial cortex, and its activity correlates with the ability to perceive emotions in others. This finding … Continue reading “Decoding Empathy: Brain Circuit for Recognizing Emotions Identified”

Sweet Taste Receptors Play Role in Glucose Metabolism

Click here to view original web page at Sweet Taste Receptors Play Role in Glucose Metabolism Summary: The sweet taste receptor, TAS1R2-TAS1R3, plays a dual role in regulating glucose metabolism. Stimulating this receptor with sucralose accelerates insulin release, while inhibiting it with lactisole slows insulin release. This finding suggests that targeting TAS1R2-TAS1R3 could offer new … Continue reading “Sweet Taste Receptors Play Role in Glucose Metabolism”

Pre-Pandemic Brain Wiring Predicted Teen Mental Health During COVID

Click here to view original web page at Pre-Pandemic Brain Wiring Predicted Teen Mental Health During COVID Summary: A large study using pre-pandemic brain scans of adolescents reveals that brain wiring before COVID-19 predicted mental health outcomes during the pandemic. Adolescents with stronger connections within the brain’s “salience network,” responsible for emotion and reward processing, … Continue reading “Pre-Pandemic Brain Wiring Predicted Teen Mental Health During COVID”

Love Hormone Oxytocin Eases Loneliness

Click here to view original web page at Love Hormone Oxytocin Eases Loneliness Summary: A new study finds that oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” can reduce acute feelings of loneliness and enhance bonding in group therapy settings for individuals experiencing chronic loneliness. While not a cure-all, oxytocin shows promise as a supportive tool during therapy, potentially … Continue reading “Love Hormone Oxytocin Eases Loneliness”

Aging’s Science Explored: Is Immortality Possible?

Click here to view original web page at Aging’s Science Explored: Is Immortality Possible? Summary: Researchers explore the science behind aging and the ongoing quest for human longevity. They examine the vast variations in lifespans across species and attributes aging primarily to accumulated chemical damage within cells. The findings highlight promising research areas like rapamycin … Continue reading “Aging’s Science Explored: Is Immortality Possible?”

Practice Makes Perfect: Crystallized Memory Formation Explored

Click here to view original web page at Practice Makes Perfect: Crystallized Memory Formation Explored Summary: A new study confirms the age-old adage “practice makes perfect.” Researchers used cutting-edge technology to observe 73,000 neurons in mice as they learned a task. They found that repetitive practice solidifies neural pathways, transforming unstable memory representations into stable … Continue reading “Practice Makes Perfect: Crystallized Memory Formation Explored”

Beyond Politeness: Is “Please” a Politeness Marker or a Strategic Tool?

Click here to view original web page at Beyond Politeness: Is “Please” a Politeness Marker or a Strategic Tool? Summary: A new study challenges the notion that “please” is a universal marker of politeness. Instead, researchers found it’s primarily used when expecting resistance or inconvenience. This suggests “please” is a strategic tool to navigate social … Continue reading “Beyond Politeness: Is “Please” a Politeness Marker or a Strategic Tool?”

Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost?

Click here to view original web page at Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost? Summary: A new study urges researchers to explore how the smells of nature impact human health and well-being. While the visual aspects of nature have been extensively studied, the olfactory dimension remains under-explored. Scientists propose a framework to investigate … Continue reading “Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost?”