Bird Brains: Jays Show Episodic-like Memory

Click here to view original web page at Bird Brains: Jays Show Episodic-like Memory Summary: A new study finds that Eurasian jays exhibit episodic-like memory, a type of memory previously thought to be unique to humans. The birds were able to remember incidental details of past events, such as the visual characteristics of cups used … Continue reading “Bird Brains: Jays Show Episodic-like Memory”

AI Tool Speeds Up Brain Tumor Classification

Click here to view original web page at AI Tool Speeds Up Brain Tumor Classification Author: Researchers developed DEPLOY, an AI tool that can classify brain tumors into 10 major subtypes with 95% accuracy. The tool analyzes microscopic images of tumor tissue, providing a faster and more accessible alternative to DNA methylation-based profiling. DEPLOY could … Continue reading “AI Tool Speeds Up Brain Tumor Classification”

Distracted Eating Fuels Later Indulgence

Click here to view original web page at Distracted Eating Fuels Later Indulgence Summary: Distractions during meals, such as watching videos or playing games, can lead to decreased enjoyment and satisfaction, triggering compensatory overconsumption of pleasurable activities later. This phenomenon, termed “hedonic compensation,” suggests that individuals seek to fulfill their unmet enjoyment quota by indulging … Continue reading “Distracted Eating Fuels Later Indulgence”

Loneliness May Predict Mental Health Issues

Click here to view original web page at Loneliness May Predict Mental Health Issues Summary: A study following 2600 participants over 20 years revealed a correlation between loneliness in adolescence and an increased risk of developing mental health problems like psychosis, bipolar disorder, and depression in adulthood. While causality cannot be definitively determined, the association … Continue reading “Loneliness May Predict Mental Health Issues”

Brain’s Arousal Fine-Tunes Visual Signals

Click here to view original web page at Brain’s Arousal Fine-Tunes Visual Signals Summary: Arousal levels directly influence how the brain processes visual information. Researchers found that the firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus, a key relay station for visual signals, change in response to pupil dilation and constriction, indicators of arousal. This modulation … Continue reading “Brain’s Arousal Fine-Tunes Visual Signals”

Gut Bacteria Influence Fairness Perception

Click here to view original web page at Gut Bacteria Influence Fairness Perception Summary: A new study finds that manipulating gut bacteria through probiotic and prebiotic supplements can increase altruistic punishment behavior in humans. Participants receiving supplements were more likely to reject unfair offers in a money-sharing game, suggesting a link between gut microbiota composition … Continue reading “Gut Bacteria Influence Fairness Perception”

Climate Change Threatens Brain Health

Click here to view original web page at Climate Change Threatens Brain Health Summary: Climate change poses a significant threat to individuals with brain conditions. Extreme temperatures, poor sleep due to warmer nights, and adverse weather events can worsen neurological and psychiatric disorders, increasing hospitalizations and mortality. Researchers urge for urgent action to protect vulnerable … Continue reading “Climate Change Threatens Brain Health”

GLP-1 and NMDA Targeted Weight-Loss Drug Shows Promise

Click here to view original web page at GLP-1 and NMDA Targeted Weight-Loss Drug Shows Promise Summary: Researchers have developed a novel weight-loss drug that combines GLP-1 with molecules targeting NMDA receptors in the brain. This “Trojan Horse” approach allows the drug to specifically target the appetite control center, leading to significant weight loss in … Continue reading “GLP-1 and NMDA Targeted Weight-Loss Drug Shows Promise”

Protein Gel Curbs Alcohol Absorption

Click here to view original web page at Protein Gel Curbs Alcohol Absorption Summary: Researchers developed a protein gel that effectively breaks down alcohol in the gut, preventing it from entering the bloodstream. This innovative gel, made from whey protein, iron, and gold, converts alcohol into harmless acetic acid, potentially reducing the harmful effects of … Continue reading “Protein Gel Curbs Alcohol Absorption”

Singing Improves Language Skills in Stroke-Damaged Brains

Click here to view original web page at Singing Improves Language Skills in Stroke-Damaged Brains Summary: Singing can improve language recovery in stroke patients by repairing the brain’s language network. This positive effect is attributed to increased grey matter volume in language regions and improved connectivity within the network. The study suggests that singing can … Continue reading “Singing Improves Language Skills in Stroke-Damaged Brains”