Wrap Around Spinal Cord Device May Transform Injury Treatment

Click here to view original web page at Wrap Around Spinal Cord Device May Transform Injury Treatment Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord, offering a new method for treating spinal injuries without the need for brain surgery. This device can record and stimulate nerve signals across the entire … Continue reading “Wrap Around Spinal Cord Device May Transform Injury Treatment”

A New Era in Neuroscience with Generative AI

Click here to view original web page at A New Era in Neuroscience with Generative AI Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking model called Brain Language Model (BrainLM) using generative artificial intelligence to map brain activity and its implications for behavior and disease. BrainLM leverages 80,000 scans from 40,000 subjects to create a foundational model that … Continue reading “A New Era in Neuroscience with Generative AI”

Do We Really Learn From Failure?

Click here to view original web page at Do We Really Learn From Failure? Summary: A recent study investigated how cardiothoracic surgeons learn from failures, revealing that there is a threshold beyond which they no longer gain knowledge from their mistakes. The research highlights that this threshold varies depending on a surgeon’s perceived ability to … Continue reading “Do We Really Learn From Failure?”

Brain Veins as Light Detectors: A New Path to Deep Brain Imaging

Click here to view original web page at Brain Veins as Light Detectors: A New Path to Deep Brain Imaging Summary: Researchers innovated a novel bioluminescence detection technique to image deep brain structures, circumventing the challenge of light scattering. This method involves engineering brain blood vessels to dilate in response to light, which can then … Continue reading “Brain Veins as Light Detectors: A New Path to Deep Brain Imaging”

Gut Microbes Influence Autism-Related Behaviors

Click here to view original web page at Gut Microbes Influence Autism-Related Behaviors Summary: A new study demonstrates the profound influence of gut microbes on behavior, particularly in the context of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study reveals that gut discomfort in mice reduces social behaviors, a phenomenon reversible by specific bacterial introductions. This groundbreaking … Continue reading “Gut Microbes Influence Autism-Related Behaviors”

Inherent AI Deception:

Click here to view original web page at Inherent AI Deception: Summary: A new study highlights the concerning trend of AI systems learning to deceive humans. Researchers found that AI systems like Meta’s CICERO, developed for games like Diplomacy, often adopt deception as a strategy to excel, despite training intentions. This capability extends beyond gaming … Continue reading “Inherent AI Deception:”

Brain Flexibility: Neurons Multitask to Shape Perception and Action

Click here to view original web page at Brain Flexibility: Neurons Multitask to Shape Perception and Action Summary: A new study explains how the brain balances flexibility with focus through “mixed selectivity” in neurons. This mechanism allows neurons to participate in multiple computational tasks simultaneously, thus enhancing cognitive flexibility. The study demonstrates how neurons in … Continue reading “Brain Flexibility: Neurons Multitask to Shape Perception and Action”

Early Metabolic Changes Linked to Autism

Click here to view original web page at Early Metabolic Changes Linked to Autism Summary: Researchers discovered significant metabolic changes that occur between birth and the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms. This study reveals that a few biochemical pathways, related largely to the body’s cell danger response, are responsible for the majority of … Continue reading “Early Metabolic Changes Linked to Autism”

Unveiling the Brain’s Response to Sound

Click here to view original web page at Unveiling the Brain’s Response to Sound Summary: Researchers discovered how the brain translates sounds into actions, a key to understanding sensory decision-making. Their study reveals that both sensory and future action-related signals are present in the cortex, challenging previous beliefs that these areas are functionally distinct. By … Continue reading “Unveiling the Brain’s Response to Sound”

Visual Diet Shapes Development in Infants

Click here to view original web page at Visual Diet Shapes Development in Infants Summary: Researchers uncovered a critical aspect of infant vision, revealing that very young babies experience a unique visual diet consisting of simple, high-contrast patterns and edges found in everyday environments. This “diet” significantly influences their developmental trajectory. Their study utilized head-mounted … Continue reading “Visual Diet Shapes Development in Infants”