Predicting Human Behavior and How We Can Change It

Click here to view original web page at Predicting Human Behavior and How We Can Change It Summary: Researchers identify effective behavior change interventions across different crises, such as pandemics and climate change. The study found that common approaches focusing on changing knowledge or beliefs are often ineffective. Instead, interventions that enhance social support, behavioral … Continue reading “Predicting Human Behavior and How We Can Change It”

Children Find Joy in Learning New Words

Click here to view original web page at Children Find Joy in Learning New Words Summary: Children and adolescents experience intrinsic joy in learning new words, a pleasure that persists up to adulthood. The research aimed to understand and measure the emotional responses of young learners during word acquisition, using a method where participants aged … Continue reading “Children Find Joy in Learning New Words”

The Brain’s Role in Immune Control

Click here to view original web page at The Brain’s Role in Immune Control Summary: Researchers discovered that the brain can significantly influence the immune system, particularly its inflammatory responses. The study utilized mice to show that the brain can detect and adjust levels of inflammation via a specific brain circuit involving the caudal nucleus … Continue reading “The Brain’s Role in Immune Control”

Social Media Use Does Not Diminish Offline Friendships in Youth

Click here to view original web page at Social Media Use Does Not Diminish Offline Friendships in Youth Summary: A new study challenges the concern that social media impairs young people’s offline interactions. The study, part of the long-term Trondheim Early Secure Study, surveyed 800 individuals from ages 10 to 18, finding that increased social … Continue reading “Social Media Use Does Not Diminish Offline Friendships in Youth”

Dad’s Gut Bacteria Affects Child’s Health

Click here to view original web page at Dad’s Gut Bacteria Affects Child’s Health Summary: Researchers uncovered a significant link between the gut microbiota of male mice and the health and survival of their offspring. The research shows that an imbalance in the gut microbiota, induced by antibiotics, can lead to lower birth weights and … Continue reading “Dad’s Gut Bacteria Affects Child’s Health”

Psilocybin Effective as Antidepressant

Click here to view original web page at Psilocybin Effective as Antidepressant Summary: Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is notably more effective at alleviating depression symptoms than conventional controls. Analyzing seven trials with 436 participants, researchers found a substantial improvement in depression scores following psilocybin treatment compared to placebos or other minor psychedelic … Continue reading “Psilocybin Effective as Antidepressant”

Brainstem Plays Vital Role in Visual Attention

Click here to view original web page at Brainstem Plays Vital Role in Visual Attention Summary: Researchers highlights the locus coeruleus (LC), a small brainstem region, as critical in enhancing visual sensory processing through its production of norepinephrine. In the study scientists used optogenetics to activate these specific neurons in non-human primates, significantly improving their … Continue reading “Brainstem Plays Vital Role in Visual Attention”

How the Flu Virus Invades the Brain

Click here to view original web page at How the Flu Virus Invades the Brain Summary: Researchers uncovered how the influenza virus may infiltrate the brain, leading to a serious condition known as influenza-associated encephalopathy (IAE). The study identifies endothelial cells, which form the blood-brain barrier, as the primary entry points for the virus. The … Continue reading “How the Flu Virus Invades the Brain”

How Shows About Death Help Us Cope With Mortality

Click here to view original web page at How Shows About Death Help Us Cope With Mortality Summary: Exposure to death through media, such as films and series, can enhance one’s ability to cope with the concept of death. Participants who were prompted to think about death before watching meaningful scenes from films like Me … Continue reading “How Shows About Death Help Us Cope With Mortality”

Staying Active Mid-Age Boosts Women’s Health Later

Click here to view original web page at Staying Active Mid-Age Boosts Women’s Health Later Summary: A new study found that maintaining or adopting regular physical activity during middle age can significantly improve women’s health-related quality of life later. Analyzing data from over 11,000 participants, the study discovered that women who met WHO physical activity … Continue reading “Staying Active Mid-Age Boosts Women’s Health Later”