Pupil Dilation Linked to Working Memory Capacity

Click here to view original web page at Pupil Dilation Linked to Working Memory Capacity Summary: Researchers discovered that pupil dilation can indicate levels of working memory. In a study, researchers observed that individuals whose pupils dilated more while performing memory tasks tended to have better working memory. This relationship between pupil dilation and memory … Continue reading “Pupil Dilation Linked to Working Memory Capacity”

Perceptions of Old Age Starting Later

Click here to view original web page at Perceptions of Old Age Starting Later Summary: Middle-aged and older adults now perceive the onset of old age to occur later in life compared to previous generations. Analyzing data from the German Ageing Survey, which spanned 25 years and involved 14,056 participants, researchers noted that individuals born … Continue reading “Perceptions of Old Age Starting Later”

Breaking Down Language Development in Autism

Click here to view original web page at Breaking Down Language Development in Autism Summary: Researchers conducted a novel study on language development in autistic children, revealing that it does not follow a linear path but progresses through three distinct stages. This study is the largest of its kind, involving over 31,000 participants. It challenges … Continue reading “Breaking Down Language Development in Autism”

Outdoor Enjoyment Linked to Less Inflammation

Click here to view original web page at Outdoor Enjoyment Linked to Less Inflammation Summary: A new study reveals a biological link between enjoying nature and reduced inflammation levels, which could help in preventing or managing chronic inflammation-related diseases like heart disease and diabetes. The study analyzed data from the Midlife in the U.S. (MIDUS) … Continue reading “Outdoor Enjoyment Linked to Less Inflammation”

AI Links Gut Microbiome to Alzheimer’s

Click here to view original web page at AI Links Gut Microbiome to Alzheimer’s Summary: Researchers are pioneering the use of artificial intelligence to explore how the gut microbiome influences Alzheimer’s disease. Their latest study employs AI to analyze how metabolites produced by gut bacteria interact with cellular receptors, potentially contributing to Alzheimer’s development. This … Continue reading “AI Links Gut Microbiome to Alzheimer’s”

Astrocytes Play Crucial Role in Mental Health

Click here to view original web page at Astrocytes Play Crucial Role in Mental Health Summary: New research reveals the pivotal role of astrocytes in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in modulating risk assessment behaviors, which are often disrupted in mental disorders. The study used advanced techniques to explore how these brain cells influence a specific … Continue reading “Astrocytes Play Crucial Role in Mental Health”

Socioeconomic Factors Linked to Chronic Pain

Click here to view original web page at Socioeconomic Factors Linked to Chronic Pain Summary: Socioeconomic status, lifestyle, and psychological factors significantly influence the development of chronic musculoskeletal pain after injury. The study found that individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are twice as likely to experience chronic pain, and those with additional risk factors such … Continue reading “Socioeconomic Factors Linked to Chronic Pain”

Better Educational Achievement in Kids Who Delay Gratification

Click here to view original web page at Better Educational Achievement in Kids Who Delay Gratification Summary: Researchers adapted the “delay of gratification” test for Singaporean preschool children, offering insights into self-regulation development in Asian contexts. The research involved children choosing between smaller immediate rewards and larger delayed rewards, revealing key developmental and socioeconomic factors … Continue reading “Better Educational Achievement in Kids Who Delay Gratification”

Risks of Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Patients

Click here to view original web page at Risks of Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Patients Summary: A new study revealed significant risks associated with antipsychotic use in dementia patients, including increased chances of stroke, heart failure, pneumonia, and other serious conditions. The research analyzed data from 173,910 dementia patients in England, tracking those prescribed antipsychotics … Continue reading “Risks of Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Patients”

New Insights into Protein Accumulation in Alzheimer’s

Click here to view original web page at New Insights into Protein Accumulation in Alzheimer’s Summary: Researchers made a significant discovery in understanding the mechanisms behind protein accumulation in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. By studying fruit flies, the team found that a reduction in mitochondria within neuron axons leads directly to this detrimental protein buildup. … Continue reading “New Insights into Protein Accumulation in Alzheimer’s”