Why We Forget: New Insights into Everyday Memory – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at Why We Forget: New Insights into Everyday Memory – Neuroscience News Summary: A new study investigates why everyday actions like locking a door are often forgotten. Researchers explored how people tend to remember significant events rather than routine details. Their study revealed that while emotionally charged or … Continue reading “Why We Forget: New Insights into Everyday Memory – Neuroscience News”

Blessed Thistle Enhances Nerve Regeneration

Click here to view original web page at Blessed Thistle Enhances Nerve Regeneration Summary: Cnicin, a compound derived from the plant Blessed Thistle, significantly enhances nerve regeneration. The study shows that Cnicin can accelerate the growth of axons, the long fibers of nerve cells, which is crucial for the recovery of nerve function after injury. … Continue reading “Blessed Thistle Enhances Nerve Regeneration”

Blood Test Predicts Multiple Sclerosis Years Before Symptoms Appear

Click here to view original web page at Blood Test Predicts Multiple Sclerosis Years Before Symptoms Appear Summary: Researchers identified a specific pattern of autoantibodies in the blood that precedes the clinical onset of multiple sclerosis (MS), potentially paving the way for early diagnosis and treatment. Their study found that 10% of MS patients displayed … Continue reading “Blood Test Predicts Multiple Sclerosis Years Before Symptoms Appear”

Novel DNA Mechanism in Memory Discovered – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at Novel DNA Mechanism in Memory Discovered – Neuroscience News Summary: Researchers identified a novel mechanism that impacts memory formation through changes in DNA structure, specifically G-quadruplex DNA (G4-DNA). Their study reveals that G4-DNA accumulates in neurons, dynamically influencing gene activation and repression crucial for long-term memory. By … Continue reading “Novel DNA Mechanism in Memory Discovered – Neuroscience News”

CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer

Click here to view original web page at CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Summary: Researchers initiated a pioneering clinical trial using an advanced form of CAR-T therapy, enhanced by synthetic notch (synNotch) technology, to treat glioblastoma. This trial represents a significant shift towards targeted, safer cancer therapies. The synNotch technology allows CAR-T cells to … Continue reading “CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer”

Eye Tests Predict Parkinson’s Progression

Click here to view original web page at Eye Tests Predict Parkinson’s Progression Summary: Optical coherence tomography, commonly used in eye exams, can monitor neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease patients by measuring the thickness of the retina. This method has revealed that retinal degeneration often precedes cognitive and motor decline, offering a potential early indicator of … Continue reading “Eye Tests Predict Parkinson’s Progression”

Environment Shapes Emotional Cognitive Abilities More Than Genes

Click here to view original web page at Environment Shapes Emotional Cognitive Abilities More Than Genes Summary: Environmental factors may have a more significant impact on certain cognitive abilities than genetics. The study involved 57 pairs of identical and 48 pairs of fraternal twins from the Beijing Twin Study, focusing on metacognition and mentalizing—abilities tied … Continue reading “Environment Shapes Emotional Cognitive Abilities More Than Genes”

Researchers identified 95 loci linked to PTSD, with 43 genes implicated in the disorder, influencing everything from neuronal function to the immune system.

Click here to view original web page at Researchers identified 95 loci linked to PTSD, with 43 genes implicated in the disorder, influencing everything from neuronal function to the immune system. Summary: A monumental genetic study involving over 1.2 million people has identified 95 genomic loci associated with PTSD, revealing 80 previously undiscovered loci. This … Continue reading “Researchers identified 95 loci linked to PTSD, with 43 genes implicated in the disorder, influencing everything from neuronal function to the immune system.”

Training Enhances Word Recognition for Efficient Reading

Click here to view original web page at Training Enhances Word Recognition for Efficient Reading Summary: Researchers developed a training method that enhances the recognition of known versus unknown words, thereby improving reading efficiency. Their study employs a model based on brain behavior that functions like a filter, distinguishing known words from unfamiliar letter combinations. … Continue reading “Training Enhances Word Recognition for Efficient Reading”

How Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward System

Click here to view original web page at How Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward System Summary: Researchers made significant advances in understanding how drugs like cocaine and morphine disrupt the brain’s natural reward mechanisms. Their study reveals that these drugs manipulate the same brain cells responsible for processing natural rewards, leading to compulsive drug-seeking behaviors. … Continue reading “How Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward System”