Treatment Relieves Chronic Lyme Disease’s Neurological Symptoms

Click here to view original web page at Treatment Relieves Chronic Lyme Disease’s Neurological Symptoms Summary: Fibroblast growth factor receptor inhibitors, commonly used in cancer treatment, could effectively reduce neurological symptoms in patients with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. The study shows these inhibitors can decrease inflammation and cell death in brain and nerve tissues affected … Continue reading “Treatment Relieves Chronic Lyme Disease’s Neurological Symptoms”

CBD’s Neuroprotective Properties Explored

Click here to view original web page at CBD’s Neuroprotective Properties Explored Summary: Cannabinol (CBN), a cannabinoid derived from cannabis, offers neuroprotective properties that could treat neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and traumatic brain injuries. Their study details how CBN and its newly developed analogs prevent mitochondrial dysfunction in neurons, a common factor in these … Continue reading “CBD’s Neuroprotective Properties Explored”

Brain Rhythms Are Key to Understanding Cognition

Click here to view original web page at Brain Rhythms Are Key to Understanding Cognition Summary: A new study emphasizes the importance of brain rhythms in understanding cognition. The research explores how rhythmic electrical fields, generated by neurons, influence and align neighboring neurons, enhancing cognitive function. This approach provides a bridge between the microscale of … Continue reading “Brain Rhythms Are Key to Understanding Cognition”

Thought Provoking Work May Reduce Later Life Cognitive Decline

Click here to view original web page at Thought Provoking Work May Reduce Later Life Cognitive Decline Summary: Engaging in complex, thought-provoking work may lower the risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in older age. Conducted by researchers at Oslo University Hospital, the study analyzed job demands of over 7,000 people across 305 occupations in … Continue reading “Thought Provoking Work May Reduce Later Life Cognitive Decline”

New Study Unravels Emotional Processing in Depression

Click here to view original web page at New Study Unravels Emotional Processing in Depression Summary: Researchers shed light on how individuals with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) process emotions differently due to abnormalities in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. By using stereotactic electroencephalography (sEEG), researchers were able to observe how these brain regions react to positive … Continue reading “New Study Unravels Emotional Processing in Depression”

Flexible Responses Boost Healthy Food Attitudes

Click here to view original web page at Flexible Responses Boost Healthy Food Attitudes Summary: A flexible response to food cues significantly improves attitudes towards high-calorie foods among women with controlled eating habits. The research involved 78 women, employing tests like the Implicit Association Test and the Food Stop-Signal Task to assess their subconscious attitudes … Continue reading “Flexible Responses Boost Healthy Food Attitudes”

Brain Cells That Enhance Memory Focus and Storage Identified

Click here to view original web page at Brain Cells That Enhance Memory Focus and Storage Identified Summary: Researchers uncovered how certain brain cells enhance our ability to maintain and focus on short-term memories. Their study highlights a new type of neuron, dubbed PAC neurons, which coordinate the activity of memory-specific neurons without storing any … Continue reading “Brain Cells That Enhance Memory Focus and Storage Identified”

About this genetics, AI, and tobacco addiction research news

Click here to view original web page at About this genetics, AI, and tobacco addiction research news Summary: Researchers used AI to discover hundreds of genes linked to tobacco use disorder, alongside potential new treatments. Analyzing extensive health data, the team identified genetic variations that contribute to tobacco addiction, which affects 1.3 billion people globally. … Continue reading “About this genetics, AI, and tobacco addiction research news”

AI Revolutionizes Hunt for Parkinson’s Treatments

Click here to view original web page at AI Revolutionizes Hunt for Parkinson’s Treatments Summary: Researchers employed AI to fast-track the discovery of treatments for Parkinson’s disease. They utilized machine learning techniques to screen millions of compounds and successfully identified five promising candidates that prevent the harmful clumping of alpha-synuclein, a key protein in Parkinson’s … Continue reading “AI Revolutionizes Hunt for Parkinson’s Treatments”

Autism’s Brain Structure Secrets Revealed

Click here to view original web page at Autism’s Brain Structure Secrets Revealed Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking approach using Diffusion MRI to explore the brain structures of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This technique measures how water molecules move through the brain, revealing structural differences in the neural pathways of autistic versus non-autistic … Continue reading “Autism’s Brain Structure Secrets Revealed”