Teen Emotions Deciphered by AI and Head-cam – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at Teen Emotions Deciphered by AI and Head-cam – Neuroscience News Summary: Researchers developed a method using wearable headcams and AI to analyze teenagers’ facial expressions, revealing subtle emotional nuances. This technology has shown potential in identifying emotions such as worry and happiness, even when they are masked. … Continue reading “Teen Emotions Deciphered by AI and Head-cam – Neuroscience News”

Junk Food Diet in Teens Linked to Long-term Memory Issues

Click here to view original web page at Junk Food Diet in Teens Linked to Long-term Memory Issues Sumamry: A high-fat, sugary diet during adolescence may cause long-lasting memory impairments. The study found that rats raised on a junk food diet exhibited significant memory deficits that persisted into adulthood, despite switching to a healthier diet. … Continue reading “Junk Food Diet in Teens Linked to Long-term Memory Issues”

Rats Can Count: Study Unveils Numerical Sense in Rodents

Click here to view original web page at Rats Can Count: Study Unveils Numerical Sense in Rodents Summary: Researchers made a groundbreaking discovery confirming that rats possess a distinct number sense. Their study used advanced brain manipulation techniques, AI modeling, and a specialized numerical learning task to demonstrate that rats can focus on and learn … Continue reading “Rats Can Count: Study Unveils Numerical Sense in Rodents”

In the 1980s, David Williams, the William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics, helped map the “cardinal directions” that explain color detection.

Click here to view original web page at In the 1980s, David Williams, the William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics, helped map the “cardinal directions” that explain color detection. Summary: Researchers made significant progress in understanding color perception by identifying non-cardinal retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the human fovea. These cells may explain complex … Continue reading “In the 1980s, David Williams, the William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics, helped map the “cardinal directions” that explain color detection.”

HIV Drugs May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Click here to view original web page at HIV Drugs May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk Summary: Common HIV drugs could reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Utilizing anonymized prescription data from over 225,000 individuals, the study found that HIV-positive patients taking reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors showed a significantly lower rate of AD compared to the … Continue reading “HIV Drugs May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk”

How We Optimize Decisions for Mutual Benefit

Click here to view original web page at How We Optimize Decisions for Mutual Benefit Summary: Researchers shed light on how human brains handle decisions that impact others, particularly when options conflict. In their study, participants engaged in tasks designed to assess their preference integration and decision-making processes for both personal and others’ benefits. By … Continue reading “How We Optimize Decisions for Mutual Benefit”

Monoclonal Antibody Slows Rapid Motor Decline in Parkinson’s – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at Monoclonal Antibody Slows Rapid Motor Decline in Parkinson’s – Neuroscience News Summary: Prasinezumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting alpha-synuclein aggregation, shows promise in slowing motor deterioration in rapidly progressing Parkinson’s disease (PD), according to an exploratory analysis from the phase 2 PASADENA clinical trial. While there are currently … Continue reading “Monoclonal Antibody Slows Rapid Motor Decline in Parkinson’s – Neuroscience News”

Emotional Bodily Sensations Altered in Parkinson’s Patients

Click here to view original web page at Emotional Bodily Sensations Altered in Parkinson’s Patients Summary: People with Parkinson’s disease experience altered bodily sensations related to basic emotions differently from healthy individuals. Utilizing electronic body maps, participants identified how emotions like anger, happiness, and sadness manifested physically, noting significant shifts in sensation locations, particularly with … Continue reading “Emotional Bodily Sensations Altered in Parkinson’s Patients”

Exercise Reduces Stress in the Brain

Click here to view original web page at Exercise Reduces Stress in the Brain Summary: Physical activity significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by diminishing stress-related brain signaling. The study, which analyzed data from over 50,000 participants, showed that individuals who adhered to physical activity guidelines had a 23% lower risk of developing heart … Continue reading “Exercise Reduces Stress in the Brain”

The Mysteries of Dreams and Their Impact on Our Lives

Click here to view original web page at The Mysteries of Dreams and Their Impact on Our Lives Summary: Researchers highlight groundbreaking approaches to studying dreams, revealing their significant impact on our waking lives. They are exploring how dreams influence perceptions of sleep quality and overall cognitive functioning. Through innovative methods such as neuroimaging and … Continue reading “The Mysteries of Dreams and Their Impact on Our Lives”