Interneurons Guide Neural Transitions During Brain Development

Click here to view original web page at Interneurons Guide Neural Transitions During Brain Development Summary: Researchers identified a crucial role of specific interneurons in brain development. The research identified two types of interneurons, SST+ and PV+, which orchestrate the transition from synchronous to asynchronous neuronal activity during the early stages after birth. This transition … Continue reading “Interneurons Guide Neural Transitions During Brain Development”

How Brain Networks Sustain Attention

Click here to view original web page at How Brain Networks Sustain Attention Summary: A new study investigates the brain’s mechanisms behind deep focus. The research employs fMRI to explore low-frequency fluctuations in brain networks during focused and less-focused states. The team discovered that certain brain networks synchronize and desynchronize, affecting an individual’s ability to … Continue reading “How Brain Networks Sustain Attention”

“Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners

Click here to view original web page at “Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners Summary: A new study explores the phenomenon of supernatural visits from deceased pets. Analyzing 544 accounts from dog owners on social media, researchers found that about half of these experiences were physical manifestations, such as hearing a dog’s nails on the … Continue reading ““Supernatural” Experiences Comfort Grieving Pet Owners”

How Sex and Gender Shape Our Cognition – Neuroscience News

Click here to view original web page at How Sex and Gender Shape Our Cognition – Neuroscience News Summary: Researchers released a new study examining how sex and gender influence cognitive abilities. The study analyzed eight cognitive tasks and found that while spatial cognition correlates more with biological factors such as sex at birth and … Continue reading “How Sex and Gender Shape Our Cognition – Neuroscience News”

Pea-Sized Human Brain Stimulator Invented

Click here to view original web page at Pea-Sized Human Brain Stimulator Invented Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking pea-sized brain stimulator, the Digitally Programmable Over-brain Therapeutic (DOT), capable of wireless operation through magnetoelectric power transfer. This implantable device promises to revolutionize treatment for neurological and psychiatric disorders by enabling less invasive and more autonomous therapeutic … Continue reading “Pea-Sized Human Brain Stimulator Invented”

AI vs. Human Empathy: Machine Learning More Empathetic

Click here to view original web page at AI vs. Human Empathy: Machine Learning More Empathetic Summary: AI-generated messages can make recipients feel more “heard” compared to responses from untrained humans. The research demonstrates AI’s superior ability to detect and respond to human emotions, potentially providing better emotional support. However, the study also found that … Continue reading “AI vs. Human Empathy: Machine Learning More Empathetic”

Key Brain Systems Implicated in Psychosis

Click here to view original web page at Key Brain Systems Implicated in Psychosis Summary: Researchers provide new insights into the brain mechanisms behind psychosis. The research identified malfunctions in two critical brain systems—the “filter” and the “predictor” in individuals with psychosis. These systems, which help direct attention and anticipate rewards, become impaired, leading to … Continue reading “Key Brain Systems Implicated in Psychosis”

Proteasomes May Be Key to Sensory Signals

Click here to view original web page at Proteasomes May Be Key to Sensory Signals Summary: Researchers discovered a novel role of the proteasome, traditionally known as the cell’s waste processor, in nerve cells. Their findings reveal that proteasomes in dorsal root ganglion neurons may act more like signal messengers, aiding in the differentiation between … Continue reading “Proteasomes May Be Key to Sensory Signals”

Why Sad Songs Feel Good: Music’s Emotional Paradox

Click here to view original web page at Why Sad Songs Feel Good: Music’s Emotional Paradox Summary: A new study explores why listening to sad music can be pleasurable. The research involved 50 music students who found that removing the element of sadness from their chosen music decreased their enjoyment, indicating a direct link between … Continue reading “Why Sad Songs Feel Good: Music’s Emotional Paradox”

Lucid Episodes in Dementia Explored

Click here to view original web page at Lucid Episodes in Dementia Explored Summary: A new study explores lucid episodes in individuals with advanced dementia, revealing that these episodes are not confined to imminent death scenarios as previously thought. Surveying family caregivers, the researchers classified these episodes into types based on their quality and context, … Continue reading “Lucid Episodes in Dementia Explored”