Gene Mutation Increases Autism Risk

Click here to view original web page at Gene Mutation Increases Autism Risk Summary: Researchers made significant strides in understanding autism spectrum disorder’s genetic underpinnings. By studying mice with a frameshift mutation in the KMT2C gene, they observed behavioral and cognitive impairments resembling ASD symptoms. Through extensive molecular analyses, they discovered an unexpected increase in … Continue reading “Gene Mutation Increases Autism Risk”

Link Between Type D Personality and Hypothyroidism Discovered

Click here to view original web page at Link Between Type D Personality and Hypothyroidism Discovered Summary: Over half of individuals with treated hypothyroidism exhibit a type D personality, characterized by negative emotions and social withdrawal. Conducted by researchers across Europe, this survey of over 3,500 people with hypothyroidism highlights a significant correlation between type … Continue reading “Link Between Type D Personality and Hypothyroidism Discovered”

Many Americans believe in conspiracy theories but fail to recognize these beliefs as such, a phenomenon dubbed “conspiracy blindness.”

Click here to view original web page at Many Americans believe in conspiracy theories but fail to recognize these beliefs as such, a phenomenon dubbed “conspiracy blindness.” Summary: A new study suggests the difficulty in recognizing one’s own beliefs as conspiracy theories contributes to the stigma around “conspiracy theorists.” Despite many Americans holding beliefs that … Continue reading “Many Americans believe in conspiracy theories but fail to recognize these beliefs as such, a phenomenon dubbed “conspiracy blindness.””

About this depression, genetics, and inflammation research news

Click here to view original web page at About this depression, genetics, and inflammation research news Summary: A new study uncovered a genetic connection between coronary artery disease, major depression, and an increased risk for cardiomyopathy, mediated through inflammatory pathways. The study highlights that medications used for treating coronary artery disease and depression could synergistically … Continue reading “About this depression, genetics, and inflammation research news”

Write It Down, Throw It Away: Easing Anger with Paper and Pen

Click here to view original web page at Write It Down, Throw It Away: Easing Anger with Paper and Pen Summary: Researchers identified an effective, straightforward method for managing anger: writing down feelings about a negative experience and then discarding the paper by shredding or throwing it away significantly reduces anger levels. This innovative study … Continue reading “Write It Down, Throw It Away: Easing Anger with Paper and Pen”

Cannabis Use Linked to Lower Dementia Risk

Click here to view original web page at Cannabis Use Linked to Lower Dementia Risk Summary: Recreational cannabis use may be associated with a significant decrease in the odds of experiencing subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in adults over 45. Analyzing data from the CDC’s 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, researchers found that recreational users … Continue reading “Cannabis Use Linked to Lower Dementia Risk”

Acetaminophen in Pregnancy Not Linked to Autism, ADHD Risk

Click here to view original web page at Acetaminophen in Pregnancy Not Linked to Autism, ADHD Risk Summary: A comprehensive study involving over 2.4 million Swedish children has debunked the notion that acetaminophen use during pregnancy increases the risk of autism, ADHD, and intellectual disability in offspring. The research employed a novel sibling comparison method … Continue reading “Acetaminophen in Pregnancy Not Linked to Autism, ADHD Risk”

Parent-Child Synchrony Isn’t Always Better for Attachment Development

Click here to view original web page at Parent-Child Synchrony Isn’t Always Better for Attachment Development Summary: Researchers revealed nuanced insights into parent-child synchrony, differentiating between behavioral and brain-to-brain connections in 140 families. This research indicates that higher brain-to-brain synchrony, particularly in mothers with insecure attachment traits, might compensate for less attuned interactions. While mothers … Continue reading “Parent-Child Synchrony Isn’t Always Better for Attachment Development”

Learning and Memory Formation’s Molecular Basis

Click here to view original web page at Learning and Memory Formation’s Molecular Basis Summary: Researchers developed a new platform to explore dendritic translation’s role in memory formation and its implications for intellectual disorders. By employing a novel method named TurboID, researchers uncovered a suite of previously unknown factors involved in memory-related protein synthesis within … Continue reading “Learning and Memory Formation’s Molecular Basis”

Pregnancy’s Toll: Accelerated Aging in Young Mothers

Click here to view original web page at Pregnancy’s Toll: Accelerated Aging in Young Mothers Summary: Pregnancy may accelerate biological aging in women. Utilizing advanced epigenetic clocks to measure DNA methylation, researchers compared the biological age of women with varying numbers of pregnancies against those who had never been pregnant, revealing that increased pregnancies correlate … Continue reading “Pregnancy’s Toll: Accelerated Aging in Young Mothers”