Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making

Click here to view original web page at Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making Summary: Researchers challenge the notion that rational thinking is the only path to good decision-making. Highlighting the limited role of rationality in our choices, the researchers emphasize the profound influence of emotions, as demonstrated in his wine tasting study where perceived value … Continue reading “Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making”

Study Links Diet, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s

Click here to view original web page at Study Links Diet, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Summary: A new study explores the molecular connections between Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s, supporting the notion of Alzheimer’s as “Type 3 diabetes.” This study finds that a high-fat diet suppresses a crucial gut protein, Jak3, leading to Alzheimer’s-like brain changes … Continue reading “Study Links Diet, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s”

CaMKII Can Be Regulated to Mitigate Alzheimer’s

Click here to view original web page at CaMKII Can Be Regulated to Mitigate Alzheimer’s Summary: The CaMKII protein, critical in brain and heart function, can be regulated to mitigate Alzheimer’s and heart conditions using three types of drug inhibitors. Their findings reveal that these inhibitors allow for precise assessments of CaMKII’s roles, providing a … Continue reading “CaMKII Can Be Regulated to Mitigate Alzheimer’s”

Harmony in Chaos: How BPD Influences Music Tastes

Click here to view original web page at Harmony in Chaos: How BPD Influences Music Tastes Summary: Recent research reveals that individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) exhibit distinct music preferences, favoring reflective and complex genres such as classical and jazz over intense, rebellious ones. The study, involving 549 participants, highlights how the severity of … Continue reading “Harmony in Chaos: How BPD Influences Music Tastes”

About this prosopometamorphopsia and visual neuroscience research news

Click here to view original web page at About this prosopometamorphopsia and visual neuroscience research news Summary: Researchers conducted a pioneering study on prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), a rare condition where individuals perceive facial features as distorted. The study details the unique case of a 58-year-old male who experiences facial distortions exclusively in person, not when viewing … Continue reading “About this prosopometamorphopsia and visual neuroscience research news”

Deciphering Proprioception: How the Brain Maps Movement

Click here to view original web page at Deciphering Proprioception: How the Brain Maps Movement Summary: A new study reveals the mechanisms behind proprioception, our body’s innate ability to sense limb position and movement, critical for movement without visual cues. Utilizing musculoskeletal simulations and neural network models, researchers have advanced our understanding of how the … Continue reading “Deciphering Proprioception: How the Brain Maps Movement”

Fear Distorts Reward Decisions Differently for Women and Men

Click here to view original web page at Fear Distorts Reward Decisions Differently for Women and Men Summary: Fear can significantly influence women’s preference for immediate financial rewards over larger, delayed ones, a decision-making bias known as “delay discounting,” while men’s choices remain unaffected by their emotional state. Involving 308 participants, the study found that … Continue reading “Fear Distorts Reward Decisions Differently for Women and Men”

AI Predicts Movement from Brain Data

Click here to view original web page at AI Predicts Movement from Brain Data Summary: Researchers developed an AI algorithm capable of predicting mouse movement with a 95% accuracy by analyzing whole-cortex functional imaging data, potentially revolutionizing brain-machine interface technology. The team’s end-to-end deep learning method requires no data preprocessing and can make accurate predictions … Continue reading “AI Predicts Movement from Brain Data”

Social Isolation Linked to Accelerated Aging

Click here to view original web page at Social Isolation Linked to Accelerated Aging Summary: Researchers have uncovered a significant correlation between social isolation and accelerated biological aging, indicating that individuals with limited social connections are at a higher risk of premature mortality. Utilizing AI-enabled electrocardiograms (AI-ECG) to estimate the biological age of over 280,000 … Continue reading “Social Isolation Linked to Accelerated Aging”

Courtship Gene Functions Diverge Across Fruit Fly Species

Click here to view original web page at Courtship Gene Functions Diverge Across Fruit Fly Species Summary: The fruitless (fru) gene, linked to courtship behavior in fruit flies and conserved across many insect species, operates differently in two fruit fly species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis. Despite the gene’s association with male courtship behaviors, experiments … Continue reading “Courtship Gene Functions Diverge Across Fruit Fly Species”