Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues

Click here to view original web page at Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues Summary: The brain uses motion cues to decipher how we see objects, a new study reports. Source: Carnegie Mellon University Most research studies use pictures to explore how the brain constructs what we ‘see,’ but, we do not live in a … Continue reading “Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues”

Mechanical Forces in the Nervous System Play a Corrective Role

Click here to view original web page at Mechanical Forces in the Nervous System Play a Corrective Role Summary: Synaptic pruning occurs as a result of mechanical tearing, a new study reveals. Source: University of Munster Nerve cells communicate with one another via long processes known as axons and dendrites, or, more generally, neurites. During … Continue reading “Mechanical Forces in the Nervous System Play a Corrective Role”

Could a Viral Illness Increase Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s or Other Neurodegenerative Disease?

Click here to view original web page at Could a Viral Illness Increase Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s or Other Neurodegenerative Disease? Summary: Study reveals a significant association between certain viral illnesses, including viral encephalitis and pneumonia-causing flu with an increased risk of developing a neurodegenerative disorder later in life. Researchers say existing vaccines against the … Continue reading “Could a Viral Illness Increase Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s or Other Neurodegenerative Disease?”

Potential Hidden Cause of Dementia Discovered

Click here to view original web page at Potential Hidden Cause of Dementia Discovered Summary: Some patients diagnosed with behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bv-FTD) may instead be suffering from a cerebrospinal fluid leak that leads to brain sagging. Source: Cedars Sinai Medical Center A new Cedars-Sinai study suggests that some patients diagnosed with behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia … Continue reading “Potential Hidden Cause of Dementia Discovered”

Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues

Click here to view original web page at Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues Summary: The brain uses motion cues to decipher how we see objects, a new study reports. Source: Carnegie Mellon University Most research studies use pictures to explore how the brain constructs what we ‘see,’ but, we do not live in a … Continue reading “Movement Information Offers Critical Visual Cues”

Art and neuroscience converge to explore disorders of the brain

Click here to view original web page at Art and neuroscience converge to explore disorders of the brain When illustrator Lonni Sue Johnson contracted viral encephalitis in late 2007, the infection attacked her hippocampus and almost killed her. Johnson had been a professional illustrator for 31 years, made many New Yorker covers, and painted pieces … Continue reading “Art and neuroscience converge to explore disorders of the brain”

High-tech Victoria clinic delivering results in treating brain disorders

Click here to view original web page at High-tech Victoria clinic delivering results in treating brain disorders Non-invasive treatments can address degenerative brain diseases, chronic pain Cutting-edge treatments at RegenClinic make life easier for those who need some extra support. Photo via iStock In the face of rising rates of degenerative diseases that affect cognitive … Continue reading “High-tech Victoria clinic delivering results in treating brain disorders”

Even Brief Exposure to Air Pollution Has Rapid Impacts on the Brain

Click here to view original web page at Even Brief Exposure to Air Pollution Has Rapid Impacts on the Brain Summary: Common levels of pollution from traffic can impair brain function within a matter of hours, a new study reports. Just two hours of exposure to diesel exhaust impairs functional connectivity in the brain. Source: … Continue reading “Even Brief Exposure to Air Pollution Has Rapid Impacts on the Brain”

Seeking to Characterize the Autistic Population More Effectively by Observing the Strategies They Use to Fit Into Society

Click here to view original web page at Seeking to Characterize the Autistic Population More Effectively by Observing the Strategies They Use to Fit Into Society Summary: Delving deeper into the phenomenon of social camouflaging could help improve research into autism spectrum disorder. Source: University of the Basque Country In recent years there has been … Continue reading “Seeking to Characterize the Autistic Population More Effectively by Observing the Strategies They Use to Fit Into Society”

Rare Cases of Frontotemporal Dementia May Have a Treatable Leak in the Brain

Click here to view original web page at Rare Cases of Frontotemporal Dementia May Have a Treatable Leak in the Brain A new Cedars-Sinai study suggests that some patients diagnosed with behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD)—an incurable condition that robs patients of the ability to control their behavior and cope with daily living—may instead have a … Continue reading “Rare Cases of Frontotemporal Dementia May Have a Treatable Leak in the Brain”